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Workshop on Climate Change at OsloMet University

On September 26, Marten Hillebrand participated in a workshop on "Climate Change: Global Risks and Cooperation" hosted by Oslo Business School at OsloMet University. He would like to thank the organizers Svenn Jensen and Christian Traeger for hosting a fantastic event with great talks and stimulating discussions in the beautiful city of Olso!

Topics in Macroeconomics I: Macroeconomic Models of Asset Pricing

In this winter's issue of our seminar "Topics in Macroeconomics I", we will have a closer look at foundational macroeconomic models of asset pricing.

Check out the Syllabus and send us an email to apply for one of the slots!

Tea-time Seminar

Talks and discussions take regularly place on Wednesdays, 2-5pm.

To participate in our internal seminar actively or passively, send an Email to


We cordially invite speakers and discussions in the fields of macroeconomics, public economics and economic theory


Third Chair Research Day
On July 24-25, the chair hosted its annual "Chair Research Day" where the core members of the team joined by external researchers present and discuss their latest research. This year, we were thrilled to be joined by Dr. Natascha Hinterlang from the Bundesbank and Anastasia Epp from the University of Cologne. The conference program can be found here. The entire team would like to thank our guests for visiting us in Freiburg and the wonderful presentations and stimulating discussions - come back anytime!
T2M Conference in Amsterdam
On May 2 and 3, Marten Hillebrand participated in the 27th Conference on “Theories and Methods in Macroeconomics” T2M at the University of Amsterdam and presented his paper "Win as a Team or Fail as Individuals - Cooperation and Non-Cooperation in the Climate Tax Game".
Research visit and workshop at Fulbright University Vietnam

From March 18 to 27, Marten Hillebrand and Marius Jäger went for a research visit to Vietnam to attend a workshop on "Institutions, Inequality, Climate Change, and Migration" organized jointly by Fulbright University and the World Bank. During their visit, they also had the privilege of engaging with local researchers and Marten Hillebrand gave a lecture on "Macroeconomic Models of Climate Change and Optimal Climate Policy" attended by students at Fulbright University. Overall, the research visit and workshop in Vietnam were immensely rewarding experiences and the knowledge and insights gained will contribute positively to our ongoing projects and initiatives on the economics of climate change. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our hosts in Vietnam for their warm hospitality and generous support throughout our visit. Their kindness and hospitality made our stay memorable, and we are truly grateful for the opportunity to engage with the local research group and experience the beauty of Vietnam.




New Bundesbank working paper by Marius Jäger and Co-Authors from the Bundesbank
We are happy to announce a new Bundesbank working paper "On Curbing the Rise in Energy Prices: An Examination of Different Mitigation Approaches" by Marius Jäger and his Co-Authors Natascha Hinterlang, Nikolai Stähler and Johannes Strobel.
Teaching Award for Markus Epp for Advanced Methods in Dynamic Macroeconomics

We are thrilled to announce that Markus Epp has been honored with a teaching award from the student-body of the econ department (the Fachschaft WiWi) for his lecture Advanced Methods in Dynamic Macroeconomics from the summer term 2023. The award ceremony held on the 1st of February 2024 was attended by many faculty members and students. We are certain that the excellent participants of this class will bring in their obtained analytical and numerical skills fruitfully!




Mini-course "Global Financial Markets and Economic Development" in January 2024!
In January 2024, Professor Tomoo Kikuchi from Waseda University (Japan) will be teaching a mini-course on "Global Financial Markets and Economic Development" in our master's program. The course is open to all master students in our programs M.Sc. in Economics, M.Sc. VWL, and M.Ed. All details can be found in the Syllabus.
Invited research talk at Tilburg University
On Wednesday, December 13, Professor Hillebrand presented his paper "Win as a Team or Fail as Individuals: Cooperation and Non-Cooperation in the Climate Tax Game" in the research seminar at Tilburg University.  He would like to thank the organizers for their generous invitation and the entire econ group for a fantastic stay loaded with wonderful encounters and excellent discussions!
Inaugural lecture series
On Monday, October 9 at 2 pm, Prof. Hillebrand and two of his esteemed colleagues will be delivering their inaugural lectures. Please see the flyer for details.
EEA-ESEM 2023 Conference in Barcelona
From August 28 to September 1, Professor Hillebrand participated in the 2023 European Meeting of the Econometric Society in Barcelona, Spain where he presented his paper "Win as a Team or Fail as Individuals - Cooperation and Non-Cooperation in the Climate Tax Game". He would like to thank the organizers for a fantastic and unforgettable event in one of the most beautiful cities on the planet!
22nd annual SAET Conference Paris, France
From July 17 to 22, Professor Hillebrand participated in the 22nd annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory in Paris and presented his paper "Win as a Team or Fail as Individuals - Cooperation and Non-Cooperation in the Climate Tax Game". He would like to thank the SAET and all session organizers for crafting a truly fantastic program, showcasing cutting-edge research and innovative ideas in the field of Economic Theory and all his esteemed colleagues for engaging in stimulating discussions throughout the event. The conference's excellence was further enhanced by the inclusion of delightful social events, contributing to an unforgettable experience for all participants.
MEP Graduation Ceremony and Tribute to Professor Landmann
On Saturday, July 1 the graduation ceremony of the Master of Economics Program (MEP) took place to celebrate our most recent graduates and also the 20th anniversary of the program. On this occasion, the program coordinator Antonio Farfán Vallespín presented a beautiful video in which former students pay their tribute to our dear Professor Emeritus Oliver Landmann. The video can be viewed here.
Research Talk by Prof. Dr. Kestel
On Wednesday, June 28 at 2:00 pm, Prof. Dr. Kestel will give a research talk within the internal seminar of the Chair of Macroeconomics. The topic will be "Catastrophe Risk Assessment and Reinsurance Pricing" and the talk will take place in room R 02 012 (Rempartstr. 16) but can also be attended via Zoom. We cordially invite students and faculty staff to attend this talk.
Talk at BEC Riga
On Tuesday June 20th, Marius Jäger presented the working-paper "Curbing the Rise in Energy Prices: An Examination of different mitigation Approaches" at the Baltic Economic Conference in Riga.
Second Chair Research Day
On June 23, the chair's annual "Chair Research Day" took place at the Studienhaus Wiesneck. On this occasion, the core members of the team joined by external researchers present and discuss their latest research ideas. This year we were thrilled to be joined by Prof. Tomoo Kikuchi from Waseda University (Japan) and Dr. Flora Budianto from TU Wien. The conference program can be found here. The entire team would like to thank our guests for the wonderful discussions and the Studienhaus for hosting a great event that all of us enjoyed very much!
Research Talk by Prof. Dr. Tomoo Kikuchi
On Thursday, June 22, Professor Tomoo Kikuchi from Waseda University in Tokyo will visit the Chair of Macroeconomics and give a research talk on "Does foreign equity contribute to economic growth?" in the department's Research Seminar. We cordially invite students and faculty staff to attend this talk at 2 pm in R 01 012!
Project Talk by Dr. Jan Mellert
On Wednesday, June 21, Jan Mellert from Effectual Capital visited the Chair of Macroeconomics and pitched the project "Sustainable Investment – An Externality Based Approach" in our Tea-time Macro seminar. We would like to thank Jan for his inspiring presentation and the stimulating discussion with him and the students  - come back soon, we wish great success to this wonderful project!
Paper accepted at JEDC
jedc.jpg We are happy to report that the paper "Who Pays the Bill? Climate Change, Taxes, and Transfers in a Multi-Region Growth Model" by M.Hillebrand and E.Hillebrand has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
Invited talk at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
On Monday, June 12 Professor Hillebrand gave an invited talk in the faculty research seminar at the University of Mainz where he presented his latest paper "Win as a Team or Fail as Individuals - Cooperation and Non-Cooperation in the Climate Tax Game". He would like to thank the econ department at JGU for their generous invitation and all seminar participants for their great comments and the vivid discussion!
Research Talk by Professor Hoang V. Khieu
This week, Professor Hoang V. Khieu from Fulbright University Vietnam visited the Chair of Macroeconomics and gave a research talk on 'Accounting for the Dynamics of the Wealth Density: Earnings Inequality, Capital Income Risk, and Investment Ability' in our Tea-time Macro seminar. We would like to thank Hoang for his inspiring presentation and the stimulating discussion - come back any time, and thanks for the tea!
Research talk at the University of Hohenheim
On Wednesday, May 17 Professor Hillebrand gave an invited research talk at the University of Hohenheim where he presented his latest paper "Win as a Team or Fail as Individuals - Cooperation and Non-Cooperation in the Climate Tax Game". He would like to thank the faculty at Hohenheim for their kind invitation and all seminar participants for their great comments and the ensuing discussions!
Research Talk by Professor Andreas Pollak
This week, Professor Andreas Pollak from the University of Saskatchewan/Canada will give his paper "A Unified Theory of Growth, Cycles and Unemployment" in our tea-time macro seminar. The talk takes place on Wednesday, March 29 in room R 02 012 at 2:00 pm. You can also join us via Zoom using this link. We are looking forward to an exciting research seminar and a stimulating discussion!
Research visit by Dr. Elmar Hillebrand
This week, we are excited to welcome Dr. Elmar Hillebrand from the EEFA Research Institute and Ruhr-University of Bochum as a research visitor at our chair. Elmar's work covers empiricial and applied theoretical research on resource and energy economics with a particular focus on climate change which is a joint research project with M.Hillebrand. Some of this research has already been published in the Journal of Economic Theory and several follow-up working papers have been completed. On Wednesday, Elmar will give a talk on "Dry times ahead? A General Equilibrium Model with Multiple Natural Resources and a Global Water Cycle" in our tea-time macro seminar. Welcome to Freiburg U, Elmar- we are glad to have you!
Teaching Award for Advanced Macro II

We are thrilled to announce that Professor Hillebrand has been honored with a teaching award from the student-body of the econ department (the Fachschaft WiWi) for his lecture Advanced Macroeconomics II from the summer term 2022. The award ceremony was held on the 2nd of February 2023 and attended by many faculty members and students. In his acceptance speech, Professor Hillebrand thanked the award committee for this honor and acknowledged the hard work and dedication of the Fachschaft WiWi and all students at Freiburg U.



Vortrag im Rahmen von "19 Minuten bei 19 Grad"
Am Montag, den 16.Januar hat Prof. Hillebrand im Rahmen der universitätsöffentlichen Vortragsreihe "19 Minuten bei 19 Grad" einen Vortrag zum Thema "Wirtschaftliche Folgen der Energiekrise" gehalten. Herzlichen Dank an alle Teilnehmer für die lebhafte Diskussion! Eine Aufzeichnung des Vortrags finden Sie hier.
Vorstellung des Lehrstuhls in der Vereinszeitschrift der Freiburger Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
Im Dezember 2022 hat Professor Hillebrand in einem Beitrag für die jährlich erscheinende Vereinszeitschrift der Freiburger Wirtschaftswissenschaftler den Makro-Lehrstuhl und seine Schwerpunkte in Forschung und Lehre vorgestellt. Der Beitrag kann als pdf-Dokument hier heruntergeladen werden.
Participation in the 3rd HeiTueHo Workshop
On December 16 and 17, Prof. Hillebrand participated in the 3rd HeiTueHo Workshop on International Financial Markets jointly organized by the Universities of Heidelberg, Tuebingen, and Hohenheim. He would like to thank the organizers for hosting a wonderful event with many inspiring research talks and great discussions!
Research Talk by Dr. Ken Suzuki
We are excited to welcome Dr. Ken Suzuki into this weeks Tea-time Macro Seminar. Mr. Suzuki will present his paper: "Gains of Foreign Employment in Japan: Regional and Sectoral Implications" which can be downloaded here. The talk takes place on Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 2:00 pm in room R 02 012 and will be aired via Zoom. Code:7G4UdA3ea
Research visit by Dr. Gregor Boehl
This week, we are excited to welcome Dr. Gregor Boehl from the University of Bonn as a research visitor at our chair. Gregor is a very accomplished junior scholar who has already published in high-ranked journals such as the Review of Economics and Statistics, the European Economic Review, and the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. His research interests are extremely broad comprising a variety of topics from monetary economics, the numerical simulation and econometric estimation of DSGE models, and issues of distribution and inequality. On Thursday, Gregor will give his recent paper "The Micro and Macro of (Unconventional) Monetary Policy: The Role of the Banking Sector" in the Research Seminar at the Institute of Economics. Welcome to Freiburg U, Gregor- we are thrilled to have you here!
Research talk at Shandong University
On Friday, October 14 Professor Hillebrand gave an (online) research talk at Shandong University in China where he presented his paper "Win as a Team or Fail as Individuals - Cooperation and Non-Cooperation in the Climate Tax Game". He would like to thank the organizers for their kind invitation and all participants for their great comments and a vivid and wonderful discussion!
New working paper on optimal climate policy under (non-) cooperation
The new working paper "Win as a Team or Fail as Individuals - Cooperation and Non-Cooperation in the Climate Tax Game" by E. Hillebrand & M. Hillebrand is now available online. Building on their earlier work, the authors derive closed form solutions of optimal climate policies in a multi-region framework under different scenarios of cooperation and non-cooperation between countries. A major innovation relative to the literature is that the paper allows for trade between regions on international markets for capital and exhaustible resources. The present draft can be downloaded here. Any and all comments and suggestions are very welcome!
Online research talk by Prof. Penghui Yin (Shandong University)
This week we are delighted to welcome Professor Penghui Yin from Shandong University in our Tea-time Macro Seminar. Penghui will give his paper "Attention Allocation and Heterogeneous Consumption Responses" which is joint work with Yulei Luo and Jun Nie. The talk takes place online via ZOOM on Thursday, October 6 at 2 pm but we will also meet in person in room R 02 012 (Rempartstr. 16, 2nd floor) to jointly discuss with him. We are very much looking forward to the talk and a vivid discussion!
Marius Jäger joins the Bundesbank on a part-time basis
We are incredibly excited to report that our research assistant Marius Jäger is starting a part-time position as a researcher in 'Theoretical Macroeconomics' with the Deutsche Bundesbank. Commencing on October 1, Marius' will spend part of his working time in Frankfurt to help maintain and expand the Bundesbank's DSGE-models and analyze pressing political issues in monetary economics and beyond. The part-time arrangement will allow Marius to continue his previous research and teaching at the chair and to broaden and deepen his knowledge in a vibrant and most stimulating new environment.
Congratulations, Marius- way to go!
'Germany's Next Climate Model' funded by Fachschaft-WiWi!

We are absolutely thrilled that the representatives of the student-body (the Fachschaft WiWi)  have decided to provide funding for our master's course 'Germany's Next Climate Model - Dissecting Macroeconomic Models of Climate Change' to be launched in the coming winter semester. Among other things, their generous support will allow us to finance a teaching assistant for the course and to hold a mini-conference at the end of the semester where our students will present their simulation results on optimal climate policies.

Thank you very much, Fachschaft WiWi - we don't have words to tell you how excited we are!

New master's course 'Germany's Next Climate Model'
We are incredibly excited to launch a new master's course 'Germany's Next Climate Model - Dissecting Macroeconomic Models of Climate Change' in the coming winter semester 2022/23. The course provides a guided introduction to the numerical simulation of macroeconomic models of climate change with Python permitting students to explore and quantify the economic and environmental effects of alternative climate policies. The syllabus can be found here.
Research Talk by Prof. Dr. Tetsushi Harada (Kwansei Gakuin University)
The research talk has the topic "Auseinandersetzungen um Schmoller hinter der Selbstauflösung des Vereins für Socialpolitik im Jahre 1936". Professor Harada is a highly accomplished scholar in the history of economic thought and has a particularly deep knowledge of the German speaking traditions of economics. The talk takes place at 11:00 am on the 9th of September in room R 02 012 (Rempartstr. 16, 2nd floor). The Talk can also be joined via Zoom.
Online research talk by Prof. Tomoo Kikuchi (Waseda University) 

This week, Prof. Tomoo Kikuchi from Waseda University will give an online talk  on "An Economic Model of Competing Superpowers and World Order"  in our tea-time macro seminar. Professor Kikuchi is a highly accomplished scholar in the field of theoretical macroeconomics and has published in leading theory journals such as the Journal of Economic Theory, Theoretical Economics, and the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. The talk takes place online via ZOOM on Wednesday, July 27 at 2 pm but we will also meet in person in room R 02 012 (Rempartstr. 16, 2nd floor) to jointly discuss with him. 

Absolventenfeier der WiWi-Fakultät
Am Freitag, den 15. Juli 2022 fand die Absolventenfeier der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät statt. Im Rahmen der feierlichen Zeugnisverleihung im Paulussaal hat Prof. Hillebrand die Festrede zum Thema "Ein Weg zu einer optimalen globalen Klimapolitik" gehalten. Wir gratulieren allen Absolventinnen und Absolventen herzlich zu ihrem Abschluss und wünschen Ihnen alles Gute auf Ihrem weiteren Weg! Ein herzlicher Dank auch an alle an der Organisation Beteiligten für eine wunderschöne Feier!
Chair Research Day- June 2022

On June 20 and 21, our first "Chair Research Day" took place at the Studienhaus Wiesneck. On this occasion, the core members of the team joined by external researchers presented their latest research ideas and discussed the chair's future research strategy. The conference program can be found here. The entire team would like to thank the Studienhaus for hosting a wonderful event that all of us enjoyed very much!

Participation in the International Conference on Public Economic Theory(PET 2022)

From June 8-10, Prof. Hillebrand participated in the International Conference on Public Economic Theory(PET 2022) in Marseille, France and gave his paper "Win as a Team or Fail as Individuals - Coorperation and Non-Cooperation in the Climate Tax Game". He would like to thank the organizers for hosting a great event with many outstanding presentations and most fruitful discussions that all participants enjoyed very much. 

Research talk  by Prof. Harald Hagemann

This week, Prof. Harald Hagemann from the University of Hohenheim will give a talk  on "The new secular stagnation hypothesis: Summers after Hansen"  in our tea-time macro seminar. Professor Hagemann is a leading expert in the history of economic thought  and has made countless influential contributions to this and related fields.The talk takes place on Thursday, May 12 at 2 pm in room R 02 012(Rempartstr. 16, 2nd floor).

Paper accepted at PET 2022 conference

We are pleased that our paper " Win as a Team or Fail as Individuals-Cooperation and Non-Cooperation in the Climate Tax Game" by Hillebrand, E. & M. Hillebrand has been accepted for presentation at the 2022 International Conference on Public Economic Theory to be held in Marseille, France from June 8-10.

Themenabend Inflation bei den Jungen Liberalen Freiburg

Am Donnerstag, den 28. April war Prof. Hillebrand gemeinsam mit seinen Assistenten zu einem "Themenabend Inflation" bei den Jungen Liberalen Freiburg eingeladen und hat in diesem Rahmen einen Vortrag zum Thema "Die Rückkehr der Inflation" gehalten. Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei unseren Gastgebern für die freundliche Einladung und die spannende und lebhafte Diskussion- es hat uns allen großen Spaß gemacht!

Preis für die beste Pflichtveranstalung Bachelor SoSe21

Wir freuen uns riesig, dass die Vorlesung "Makroökonomik II" von der Fachschaft als beste Bachelor-Pflichtveranstaltung des Sommersemesters 2021 ausgezeichnet wurde! Wir danken den Mitgliedern der Fachschaft herzlich für diese Auszeichnung und natürlich allen Teilnehmenden der Veranstaltung für diese tolle Bestätigung unserer Arbeit!


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